Hello and welcome back to the restart channel. My name is Shayda and today’s video is diving into the history and celebration of 420 Maybe you’re a longtime Canvas fan and consumer and me You’ve caught on to the culture of celebrating cannabis at 4:20pm. But you’re not 100% sure of the history of why flora and specifically why 20 Maybe you didn’t even realize or recognize that that was a thing that people in the cannabis industry celebrated. But now that it’s April, you’re like, Wait, what the heck is 420 So of course, we’re now in the month of April. So if you didn’t know now, you know on April 20 is a whole day dedicated to celebrating cannabis. And in today’s video I’m going to share the folklore and history of how this day came to be to start for 20 can be celebrated like I mentioned at 4:20pm Or am and on the date 420 or April 20. And it’s usually celebrated by consuming cannabis on and around those times and date. But why 420? Well, the story goes in 1971 five high school students in San Rafael California use the term for 20 in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop based on a treasure map made by the grower calling themselves the Waldos because their typical hangout spot was a wall outside the school. The five students designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place and 4:20pm as their meeting time. The wall does refer to this plan with a phrase of for 20 Lewis and after several failed attempts to find that the cannabis crop the group eventually shortened their phrase to 420, which ultimately evolved into a code word the teens used to refer to consuming cannabis Stephen Hager of High Times popularized the story of the Waldos and the first High Times mentioned of a 420 Smoking and a 420 holiday appeared in May of 1991. There have been some erroneously attribute ID origins of the term to a police code. This and other spurious incorrect origin stories became common, but the connection to the Waldos appeared in December of 1998 and Hagar attributed the early spread of the phrase to Grateful Dead followers. After one of the original five students David radix, became a roadie for the Grateful Dead bassist Phil lash and called for 4:20pm to be the socially accepted time of the day to consume it cannabis now April 20 has become an international counterculture holiday based on the celebration and consumption of cannabis events typically advocate for cannabis liberalization and legalization as a result, it’s also become a massive sales day for cannabis brands. So be sure to check restart cbd.com For what deals we have going on in honor of this infamous day. And if you’re fully stocked and you just want to reason to take off work early this for 20 Which happens to fall on a Thursday, or a new reason to celebrate 4:20pm Now you know, so if you liked this video, be sure to hit subscribe, give us a thumbs up and stay tuned for more content. We’ll see you on the next video. Bye y’all.