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5mg Delta 9 THC Sour Strawberry Lime Review/Reaction Video


Hello and welcome back to the restart channel my name is Shayda and today we’re going to be doing a product review product taste testing effects test but really wanted to start doing these videos to one show you guys our products and to to have a little bit of fun because who doesn’t love watching someone consume THC and see what happens. So these are our delta nine THC five milligram gummies. And if you don’t know delta nine THC is the same psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana. But it is hemp derived in our products, which is what makes it 100% federally legal, which is why I can sell these legally in Texas and ship them straight to your door. So these are our sour strawberry lime flavor. Like I said, they’re five milligrams of Deluxe nine per gummy, they come in 820 counselors 20 of those in total, and I had to look at the math because I’m not great enough. That means there’s 100 milligrams total. So 20 Gummies at five milligrams apiece equals 100 milligrams of the total package, you can eat all 100 milligrams if you just want to, you know to eat a bunch of candy to get, but I like to microdose so I would say like five milligrams or even half of the gummy is good for a microdose dose just gonna go one out. So if you wanted half of this dose, so half of five milligrams at two and a half milligrams, you would break off or eat half or a little, it’s like two half, I think five milligrams is a great microdose place to start with that said, I do love even smaller micro doses. So I will totally for sure eat half of this for today’s video, I’m gonna eat the whole thing. And really just wanted to do you know, a little bit of ASMR, a little bit of texture, a little bit of taste, a little bit of visualizations, a little bit of effects. So we’re gonna see what happens. But these are our five milligram gummies. We by the way, if you didn’t know, manufacture these in Austin, we have a custom formulator, who makes all of our gummies for us custom to our flavor, perfection and liking. So if you don’t like this flavor, just kidding. But really, I’ll take it personal because we pick these flavors and we work really hard to make sure that the right amount of sour, the right amount of sweetness, fair amount of texture, right amount of taste. So like I said, five milligrams is nine THC. This is a pretty comparable dose for me. I personally play with Delta nine between five and 10 milligrams 10 milligrams is my like Max comfort 1520 gets into like creepy territory where I’m just exuded. And I can’t say that I’m the most functional on that. So if I’m trying to get things done, as I said safe, I’m trying to be productive, but it’s end of day so maybe I am maybe I won’t we’ll see what happens after I eat this. I also take this to help me manage my pain just to relax and wind but again, depending on how much you take so five milligrams for me is a good kind of like middle of the road dose 10 milligrams might make me a little bit more out of it if that’s fair to say. So I’m gonna stick with five milligrams right now I’ve got some things to do. I’m gonna go for a walk later, but we’re going to eat it. We’re going to taste it and then I’m gonna come back when it hits I’m going to tell you how I’m feeling and what that’s like so wish me luck really wanted to get the full experience so I could communicate to you guys the flavors strawberry limes is sour, salty sour, has a little bit of bite to it. I don’t even think it’s like a super sour gummy. So you’re turned off from it does a little bit sour, definitely a strawberry limey taste, which I personally love. And it’s a nice chewy gummy. It’s not a hard gummy. It is a pretty soft gummy has good texture. And if you could tell hide so fast, I should have done it in slow motion. But I think it tasted delicious. And like I said, I know what five milligrams feels like. And so now we’re going to just kind of wait to see when it comes to edibles, they can take time to take effect. So the hard part is you don’t want to eat too much because it’s gonna take some time to take effect and then it’s gonna hit you later. So like so for me five milligrams is a good I can handle it dose, it might be a little bit on the strong side depending if I have to go to something super social after if I’m going to an event or if I’ve got to go you know public speak for example. So that’s where I might opt to do half the gummy but I do the full five like so I’m gonna go for a walk and we’re going to see what happens so it kind of like starting the timer for 30 8pm I will give it anywhere from like 30 to 40 minutes to kind of see how it feels. So I’m going to come back to you guys in a little bit and we’ll talk about it by a few minutes later. Okay, hello. I feel like it’s been okay it’s been like maybe 30 minutes and I definitely feel like a little bit sleepy here but like I don’t know can you tell? Can you tell difference in my eyes? Do I look I don’t know. I I can say that I probably going to continue to feel the effects I wouldn’t say that I’ve peeked kind of 30 minutes in I think that there’s definitely a little bit more of an effect to be had but a couple of the reasons why I like using Delta nine THC helps me relax helps me calm down I struggle with chronic pain so for my accident have a lot of pain in my well pinky and surges and so when I consume THC, it just makes me feel a little bit better. It’s plant based, I know how it’s gonna make me feel I know how to use it. And yeah, I am gonna go for a walk now I’m gonna go enjoy some nature. Gonna go unwind. And I think five milligrams is the perfect dose to do just that. It’s a microdose in my terms still and so it’s something that I feel comfortable being able to take and going out and being active being social. And yes, certainly more videos to come as we consume higher strength and other types of cannabinoid products that we sell at resort CBD but if you are curious in our delta nine a five milligram strawberry lime SOUR Gummies you know where to get them come visit us in store we’re located in Austin, Texas if you’re ever in the area and we also ship these products nationwide, so research But that’s it. I’m gonna get going I’m gonna go for my walk. If you liked the video, give it a thumbs up make sure to drop your comments your questions below I love to know what is your max Delta nine THC dose and stay tuned for future videos where we explore other research cannabinoids and products and record ourselves on camera for you to see how they affect us banks get bail 2000 years later. Okay, so can you tell Can you tell I just went for the walk walk for 30 minutes and didn’t more like it was here when I started now it’s like here again superfine could have a conversation could be social, but I for sure. Feel it. And it’s kind of nice. It was great being out in nature. And a little more connected to the sun. The sounds the heat. It’s very hot right now in Central Texas. But yeah, if I would do another update for you, maybe it’s gonna be some bloopers. No, but really do I look? I’m hungry and thirsty.

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